(502) 491-2337 Louisville, KY

Deering Calico w/HSC

Price: $5,599.99
Call to order: (502) 491-2337
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What the Gucci bag is to purses, the Deering Calico is to banjos - except the Calico is not over-priced, is hand-built to last a lifetime by skilled luthiers in the USA, and is worth every penny. Okay, so maybe they aren't very similar after all - but the point is that this banjo is one of the best money can buy. Beautifully Flamed Maple is lightly stained with an amber gloss and complimented with a beautiful inlay pattern and a unique wood binding around the resonator and fingerboard for a look that nothing touches. The incredible aesthetics and the focused, explosive sound make the Calico the envy of all the other banjos. With the power and presence of a top class maple neck and resonator, the 3-ply maple rim and Deering's own rich and complex sandcast Bell Bronze tonering, as well as the precision crafting and ultimate adjustability all Deering banjo's offer, you've got a very special instrument with the ability to take you in any direction of your choice. Includes a deluxe hard shell case and a custom setup for you by your friends at Steilberg String Instruments.

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