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Deering Sierra Banjo Mahogany
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Call to order: (502) 491-2337

Often heralded as the best deal in all of banjodom, the Sierra truly is a Superbanjo in Clark Kent's clothes. We are always amazed when we hit a lick on this one, because it sounds and feels so much like an expensive banjo! Built by the amazingly talented hands in the San Diego based Deering shop, you'll get a top quality 3-ply maple rim, Deering's own sandcast bell-bronze tonering, and a comfortable, fast neck. This is built with the same parts and by the same hands as Deering's most expensive Banjo's. The Sierra is perfect for a first, last or backup banjo - your collection is not complete without it! Price includes a deluxe hard case and a custom setup for you by your friends at Steilberg String Instruments. |